6. The Shame of Kink, Part 4: This Is How ACTUAL Toxic Masculinity & Femininity Look!

Podcast Logo for the show "A Dash of Salt with AJ," hosted by Ahsoka Jackson

In this fourth installment of the TSOK [The Shame of Kink] series, we’ll continue analyzing the storyline and author I began discussing in Part 3, and we’ll also briefly start discussion on a fan and fellow author of hers, whom I refer to with the pseudonym “Lady X.” I’ll also provide some quick caveats to bear in mind as we prepare to take a break from this subject and move on to slightly less depressing (and definitely less disgusting) fare in the weeks to come. Slightly, haha.…

Intro/Summary for the TSOK series of episodes: They peddle abuse and self-harm under the guise of “love.” They fulfill White-supremacist fantasies and brag about multiculturalism and diversity. They stab us in the back and want us to pay for the knife. All hail our saviors from the Cult of the Crotch. …

Welcome to our series on the topics of the “kink shaming” argument and exposing the reality of what is being written and promoted by those draping themselves in a veneer of nobility—and the lying, cowardice, narcissism, racism, cruelty, and callousness displayed and engaged in by those writing it. 

This kind of conduct preys on a lack of information and flourishes in the absence of confrontation. So it’s time to shine a light on the people who try to sell the worst of darkness while calling it sunshine, and who seek to silence those who actually do bring the light. 

Content Notice: We’re continuing with the more graphic subject matter from last episode, so my overall content rating for this episode will be R/TV-MA. And when I provide a content notice, please only consider it applicable to the episode itself unless otherwise specified.

Resource Roundup:

  • Not applicable this time around, but feel free to revisit the ones from last episode.

Resources & Episode Web Page: https://ahsokajackson.com/2020/11/27/6-the-shame-of-kink-part-4-this-is-how-actual-toxic-masculinity–femininity-look/(opens in a new tab)

Keep an eye out for upcoming episodes! You can find links to many of the podcast platforms where the show is currently available here: https://anchor.fm/ahsoka-jackson/episodes/ep-eedaar

iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-a-dash-of-salt-with-aj-63361614/

Closed-Captioned Episodes on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKwL4FzSqXcqVrcv0YNcBXQ?view_as=subscriber

The Referenced Supplementary Note Regarding the Anthology

Now, that “healthy romance” anthology I mentioned—the borderline-coprophagic and -philic story—was just one of several grotesque examples of messed-up authors and stories that were featured. But I contacted one of the people involved in administration of the account that hosted the material, and she was surprisingly receptive. She is now interested in my having a dialogue with some of these various authors.

I do not for a minute trust the good faith of most of them, but I do plan on making the attempt. I’ve been in a very involved process of collating the things I wish, and it’ll take a while yet, partially just because of how mentally taxing it is to deal with repugnant material like this that insults one’s self, family, and communities page by page, promotes the kind of predation it does, and brings to mind ongoing years worth of pain on a personal level.

This material belongs in a healthy romance anthology the way White-supremacist writings belong in a Black magazine like Ebony or Jet or or defenses and promos for Roman Polanski and Jerry Sandusky belong in a publication for the RAINN organization. If something like that is there, it should be for educational purposes, so people realize what they’re up against, and of course it also serves of an example of who not to be and how not to behave.

None of this ever should’ve happened the way it did, to be very blunt. It never should’ve seen the light of day. But, I do give the staffer I contacted credit for being receptive thus far and it does at least seem like she’s interested in doing the right thing. How far this goes remains to be seen, but I want to give credit for that at least.

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